принимают участие:
Xiang 'TH000' Huang
Chenglong 'Sai' Zhou
Hyeong Ju 'Check' Lee
Sung-Yeon 'Myth' Kim
Dong Hwan 'ViOlet' Kim
Sebastian 'FuRy' Pesic
Mykhaylo 'HoT' Novopashyn
Jin Woo 'Resolver' Lee
половина из этих игроков вобще не играли в рок. как думаете какая раса меньше всего изменилась и кем легче всего выиграть?
wNv.TH000 and wNv.Sai will not take part of this tournament as many informations regarding this tournament are missing, including many things which seem to be in contradiction with one another, as well as the way the entire inviting procedure was handled.
Sorry for any inconvenience.